Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Assignment 2

Technology in Schools

Did You Know
This video was shocking to me. Every piece of information that came up on the screen simply left me in awe. To start, it is sad that children in the United States are so far behind children in other countries academically. That just goes to show that America needs to put more of an emphasis on quality education. America should place a bigger importance on education, especially in the fields of math and science, which is what the other countries are excelling in.

Furthermore, the growth of technology is just phenomenal. Technology has been able to reach so many people in many different forms, bringing tons of new information across the globe. Society has come a long way since previous centuries. It is amazing how fast new technology is popping up and how we keep finding new uses for it in everything that we do.

Mr. Winkle Wakes
I have to agree and disagree with this video. I agree with the part that things have changed significantly in the last hundred years, which is quite obvious. It can be a little overwhelming to see how technology has affected every aspect of our lives today. I think it would interesting to see what would happen if we could not use the technology for one day. It would probably be pretty chaotic.

The major point that I have to disagree with is the fact that education hasn’t changed. I believe it has changed greatly. I do not believe that computers are rarely used in education and are gathering dust in the back of the classroom. I think that computers are being incorporated more and more in most of the classrooms. Even when they are not in the classrooms, computer labs exist in the schools where teachers are able to bring their students. Especially in college, it is nearly impossible to attend school and do all the work without the use of a computer.

Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts
I think what this teacher is doing with her students is a wonderful idea. It seems like such a great program to participate in, especially when you are still in high school. It helps the students learn about all types of digital systems and programs so they will be more proficient when they go out in the world.

The other thing I found interesting about this class was that it connected students from around the world. So, not only did the class introduce the concepts of all types of technology, but it also taught about other cultures and gave the students an opportunity to explore the other cultures by traveling for conferences. This class was a marvelous addition to the Georgia school, and should be implemented in many more of the schools across the country.

Cecilia Gault Interview
In response to this article and video, I would have to agree with Sir Robinson. I think it would be beneficial to encourage more creativity in schools. If creativity was emphasized in schoolwork more often, then perhaps students would be more intrigued and interested in learning. This could then influence them to stay in school rather than drop out.

In my classroom, what I can do is try to find different ways to teach math that are more creative. I can find ways to encourage my students to be creative. Even with math, teachers can be creative with assignments and teaching methods to make sure the students succeed. I can make the subject fun so that my students don’t get bored or sick of doing math.

The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson gave a wonderful lecture on the importance of creativity. He made a very convincing argument, in my opinion. Not only did he deliver his speech to make his point, he also made the speech enjoyable and entertaining. However, I do not completely agree with all that he had to say.

I do agree with him that creativity is important, and that some people are just born to do something in the arts. I also agree that it should be an important aspect in school curriculum. However, I disagree with the idea that it should be just as important as other subjects. I think that, because students in foreign countries are already surpassing us academically, subjects such as math and science should be stressed more than the arts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Alex!

    You made a couple of bold statements in this post, so be prepared to get a few back! :)

    You’re right when you speak of how sad it is that America is lagging so far behind in education, but I must disagree with you when you say that a bigger emphasis on math and science is the fix to this problem. Our country, without any doubt, enforces the extreme importance in math and science. Our problem is standardization.

    Even before NCLB, we have been utterly obsessed with giving everyone in our nation an equal education. In my opinion, this is where our problem begins. I believe everyone should be offered the same opportunity, and I think that is where the “equality line” should be drawn. By offering an equal education, teachers are encouraged (maybe even directed) to teach at a pace so that all children can keep up. This is where Sir Ken Robinson comes in.

    Creativity is not just limited to the arts. Just yesterday I heard a lady talk about how the great scientists are also the best artists. Scientists create! Scientists come up with new ideas, many of which can completely change the world for the better! But students that crave more, that crave something different, are all too often pushed to the side and told to sit down, be quiet, and do what all the other boys and girls are doing. By striving for the hope of equality, many students who strive for something that is not of the norm are all too often “left behind.” What if we’re squishing the creativity of a future Nobel prize winner? Or the person that will cure cancer? What type of lesson are we teaching if we’re asking a child to do something “just like Johnny does it?” I think this is the type of creativity that Sir Ken Robinson is referring to.

    Of course, teachers won’t come out and say that they are doing this, but you cannot deny that it happens. I can’t imagine being in a classroom filled with 14 kids that are content with my lesson, 3 that have no idea as to what is going on, and another that is wanting to go above and beyond whatever is going on. It has to be frustrating! This is yet another reason why I think our entire educational system needs to be completely reformatted, but we’ll get into that later!

    I’d love to get a response from you on this!

    - Allie
