Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Assignment 5

Podcast symbol

The Eagles’ Nest Radio & Class Blog is a nicely put-together website. The students were very professional in each podcast and it seemed like they had a lot of fun while learning. The instructional podcasts were very informative and detailed. What I learned from these podcasts is all the ways I can present a topic through a podcast. It can be either formal or fun and casual.

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom by Joe Dale is very helpful when it comes to podcasting. The video was great at explaining the advantages of having students use podcasts. It also described how to go about making your own podcast. Links were provided for step-by-step instructions which are always helpful. It taught me how I can use Audacity to make a podcast instead of using iMovie on a Mac.

Podcast Collection by Judy Scharf is a wonderful site to help people get started with their podcasts. It provides links to videos to show someone how to make a podcast. Also, she breaks the process down into steps and describes what to do, in detail, in every step. Furthermore, this site is a bonus for teachers who want to introduce podcasting to their students. She explains the steps students can take to learn how to use a podcast. She even provides an approximate amount of class periods it will take to completely learn about and create a podcast. Once again, this site taught me how to make a podcast using Audacity.

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra,

    I am glad to hear that you have learned a lot about podcasting. I think podcasts are an excellent tool to incorporate into the classroom because they truly offer so many uses and benefits. Joe Dale definitely does a great job describing the advantages for both the teacher and the students. I love how creative and interactive students can be when using podcasts, and I think Judy Scharf's website is definitely helpful with this. While I use a Mac, and I am happy to know that people are teaching others how to use resources available on a PC. I am sure there are many more tutorials and informational websites you can learn from if you are interested.
